You can do great things

2010. gada 26. aprīlis

I'm freakin perfectionist.
I just killed my research paper! I'm proud of myself! :)

2010. gada 23. aprīlis

Finally I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

2010. gada 20. aprīlis


Mūsu mazajai valstiņai ir DAUDZ vairāk tradīcijas nekā milzīgajai ASV.

varbūt tas ir tāpēc,ka ASV vienkārši ir pārāk liela un ar pārāk daudz iedzīvotājiem - grūti apvienot, ieviest kopīgas tradīcijas.

Tapēc labāk ir dzīvot mazajā Latvijā!

Hell yeah, 26 days.

2010. gada 19. aprīlis

Feelin' good

The sun is shining, and the time is passing.
I will cry so badly on 16th May. I hope that I'll see her again some day.
I want to go to D.R!

2010. gada 9. aprīlis


that wasn't a life, it was just basketball and basketball, and more basketball.

36 days

Now I know that everything is going to be alright.
That which does not kill me, can only make me stronger.

I was afraid that things will change when I won't be there, but now I'm sure that I have changed.
I'm better.

so true