You can do great things

2011. gada 23. janvāris


Jauns zilums, sasitums, rokas atkal saskrāpētas. Esmu nogurusi no sevis tāda veida mocīšanas.
Kāds no tā labums un kam tas ir vajadzīgs?

A Week After

Well, I am so mean, but I feel relieved. I have been foolin' myself for 4 months. Now I don't know who feel sorry about - me or him.

This experience let me to learn more about myself. I know that sometimes I am so insensitive but didn't know that this much.

It doesn't make u BITTER because u hold out for BETTER. Never apologize for refusing to settle.

Love is out there. It does exist. You just need to find the right person, stop settling for less.

If loving the wrong one could feel that good, imagine how great it will be once the RIGHT one finds you!

Anyone can make you happy by doing something special. But, only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.

2011. gada 19. janvāris

nice to meet you, that's me
people's mind reading would make the world come to an end
so, let's be happy that we can NOT do it

what goes around, that comes around - this sentence are going to stay in my mind for a while

Whatever is goin’ on, I’m still looking up and loving life, cuz it's not the end.

2011. gada 6. janvāris

New Year

Well, this is a new year, a new beginning of smth.
I hope this will be a good one, I have this feelin' that now I have started a serious adult life, that's why I'm a bit scared.

Still I have those doubts. Do I love or just want to be loved?

to love is nothin'
to be loved is smth
to love and be loved is everything