You can do great things

2010. gada 22. februāris

2010. gada 17. februāris


Paldies ASV!

Es tagad esmu lepna,ka esmu latviete. Un zinu,ka negribu būt nekas cits. Latvija ir labākā valsts pasaulē. Ne jau visiem, bet man!

Krīze. Visi brauc prom, es atgriežos... Zinu,ka sliktāk jau nebūs - es būšu mājās pie savējiem.

2010. gada 14. februāris

This is How I am

I can admit - I am really shy person. I have been like that since I remember. It is hard for me to start conversation with people I don't know.

Here I have turned into quiet, boring person. Why? Because people here don't understand me; they don't understand how it is to be so far away from home. Most of them never had been out of the country. They think that everybody live like they do. And, therefore, they think that's the best way how to live.

They probably think that I'm arrogant or something. Whatever. I don't care. I have ignored my values by trying accepting them. But something is missing - intelligence, wisdom, sincerity. Switch on Disney channel and you will see how "smart" youth is (Yes, my peers watch that stupid channel). They don't want to be the smartest; they want to be the most popular. They don't have high values and that is hard for me because I have.

And REMEMBER! Don't believe about anything you hear, it's probably lies; and don't trust to anybody, he/she probably is lying and will tell everybody what you just said (to make it more interesting probably will add some things up).



Man tik ļoti sagribējās sen jau arī Latvijā izzudušos "Rīgas Salmiņus".
Saldos Rīgas salmiņus.
Īsti, nedmodificēti saldumi.
Esmu priecīga,ka mūsu kaimiņvalsts ir Krievija (nekad nebūtu domajusi,ka to teikšu). ASV un Krievija ir divas pilnīgi atšķirīgas kultūras. Samākslotība, jaunība it visā, prastums vs. vēsture, patiesums, gudrība.

Kartupeļu biezeni ar karbonādēm noteikti nevar salīdzināt ar chicken strips un french fries(Cena: 8.49$, garša nekāda, ne miņas no īsta ēdiena - maizes garoza uz cāļa ir lielākā daļa ēdiena, kartupeļi taisīti no pulvera, apcepti 100000 l eļļas ---> un tā saucās normāla ēdienreize).

2010. gada 12. februāris


Smiling is a facial expression which appears when you are happy, satisfied, amused, amazed. I smile to my friends, family - people I love. It is something special. I don't waste it. My smile is not for everybody!
I find it very annoying when unknown person walks by me and puts his GIGA-MEGA smile on his face.
I wished I coud just go and slap him on the face.
I could never be an american.